Push Tush


3 c. matzo meal

1 ¼ c. sugar

¼ tsp. nutmeg

½ c. juice or wine or half & half

1 c. chopped nuts

1 c. cake meal

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 ½ c. oil

1 egg


Mix all ingredients together.  Grease a 10 x 12 pan.  Press mixture into pan.  Cut (but no all the way through) into squares or diamonds.  Bake 45 minutes @ 350 degrees, until golden.  After baked, cut through to pan and cool.



1 ½ c. sugar

3 Tbsp. honey

1 ½ c. juice or wine mixture


Bring syrup ingredients to a boil.  Pour over cake.  Cover and let stand at least 2 or 3 days so syrup can be absorbed.