Alice B. Toklas Said So


1 lb. asparagus



4 Tbsp. heavy cream

½ c. whipping cream


Early spring is the time for the first small green asparagus very like the wild ones.  Wash quickly – do not allow to remain in water – discard white stems.  Tie into neat bundles; plunge in boiling water.  Allow about 8 minutes for the cooking.  Drain.  They should not be over cooked; much depends on their freshness.  Put aside.  Over low flame, put in a saucepan 4 tablespoons butter (for 1 lb asparagus) when butter is melted, add asparagus tips still tied in bundles. Add four tablespoons heavy cream. Do not stir but gently tip the pan in all directions until asparagus are coated with butter and cream.  Then remove from the flame.  Place asparagus on a preheated dish; gently cut the string with kitchen scissors.  Face the points to the edge of the dish.  In the center place ½ cup of whipped cream with ½ teaspoon of salt mixed in.  This is a gastronomic feast. This is a thing of beauty.


                                                Submitted by:  Gladys Wallace