To Remove Stains from Washables

Egg: Scrape with dull blade. Pre-soak in cold or warm water for at least 30 minutes. Remove grease with dry cleaning solvent. Wash in hottest water safe for fabric, with detergent.

Fruit and Fruit Juices: Sponge with cold water. Pre-soak in cold or warm water for at least 30 minutes. Wash with detergent and bleach safe for fabric.

Grass: Pre-soak in cold water for at least 30 minutes. Rinse. Pre-treat with detergent. Wash, using detergent, hot water, and bleach safe for fabric. On acetate and colored fabrics, use 1 part of alcohol to 2 parts water.

Grease, Oil, Tar: Method 1 - Use powder or chalk absrobents to remove as much grease as possible. Pre-treat with detergent or non-flammable dry cleaning solvent, or liquid shampoo. Wash in hottest water safe for fabric, using plenty of detergent. Method 2 - Rub spot with lard and sponge with a non-flammable dry cleaning solvent. Wash in hottest water and detergent safe for fabric.

Ink - Ball-Point Pen: Pour denatured alcohol through stain. Rub in petroleum jelly. Sponge with non-flammable dry cleaning solvent. Soak in detergent solution. Wash with detergent and bleach safe for fabric.

Ink - Fountain Pen: Run cold water through stain until no more color will come out. Rub in lemon juice and detergent. Let stand 5 minutes. Wash. If a yellow stain remains, use a commercial rust remover or oxalic acid, as for rust stains.

Caution: Handle poisonous rust removers carefully. Keep out of reach of children. Never use oxalic acid or any rust remover around washer and dryer as it can damage the finish. Such chemicals may also remove permanent press fabric finishes.

Lipstick: Loosen stain with a non-flammable dry cleaning solvent. Rub detergent in until stain outline is gone. Wash in hottest water and detergent safe for fabric.

Meat Juices: Scrape with dull blade. Pre-soak in cold or warm water for 30 minutes. Wash with detergent and bleach safe for fabric.

Mildew: Pre-treat as soon as possible with detergent. Wash. If any stain remains, sponge with lemon juice and salt. Dry in sun. Wash, using hottest water, detergent and bleach safe for fabric.

Note: Mildew is very hard to remove; treat promptly.

Alcoholic Beverages: Pre-soak or sponge fresh stains immediately with cold water, then with cold water and glycerine. Rinse with vinegar for a few seconds if stain remains. These stains may turn brown with age. If wine stain remains, rub with concentrated detergent; wait 15 minutes; rinse. Repeat if necessary. Wash with detergent in hottest water safe for fabric.

Blood: Pre-soak in cold or warm water at least 30 minutes. If stain remains, soak in lukewarm ammonia water (3 tablespoons ammonia per gallon water). Rinse. If stain remians, work in detergent and wash, using bleach safe for fabric.

Candle Wax: Use a dull knife to scrape off as much wax as possible. Place fabric between two blotters or facial tissues and press with warm iron. Remove color stain with non-flammable dry cleaning solvent. Wash with detergent in the hottest water safe for fabric.

Chewing Gum: Rub area with ice, then scrape off with dull blade. Sponge with dry cleaning solvent; allow to air dry. Wash in detergent and hottest water safe for fabric.

Chocolate and Cocoa: Pre-soak stain in cold or warm water. Wash in hot water with detergent. Remove any grease stains with dry cleaning solvent. If color remains, sponge with hydrogen peroxide, wash again.

Coffee: Sponge or soak with cold water as soon as possible. Wash, using detergent and bleach safe for fabric. Remove cream grease stains with non-flammable dry cleaning solvent. Wash again.

Crayon: Scrape with dull blade. Wash in hottest water safe for fabric, with detergent and 1 to 2 cups of baking soda.

Note: If full load is crayon stained, take to cleaners or coin-op dry cleaning machines.

Deodorants: Sponge area with white vinegar. If stain reamins, soak with denatured alcohol. Wash with detergent in hottest water safe for fabric.

Dye: If dye transfers from a non-colorfast item during washing, immediately bleach discolored items. Repeat as necessary before drying. On whites, use color remover.

Caution: Do not use color remover in washer, or around washer and dryer as it may damage the finish.

Milk, Cream, Ice Cream: Pre-soak in cold or warm water for 30 minutes. Wash. Sponge any grease spots with non-flammable dry cleaning solvent. Wash again.

Nail Polish: Sponge with polish remover or banana oil. Wash. If stain remains, sponge with denuatured alcohol to which a few drops of ammonia have been added. Wash again. Do not use polish remover on acetate or triacetate fabrics.

Paint - Oil Base: Sponge stains with turpentine, cleaning fluid or paint remover. Pre-treat and wash in hot water. For old stains, sponge with banana oil and then with non-flammable dry cleaning solvent. Wash again. Water Base: Scrape off paint with dull blade. Wash with detergent in water as hot as is safe for fabric.

Perspiration: Sponge fresh stain with ammonia; old stain with vinegar. Pre-soak in cold or warm water. Rinse. Wash in hottest water safe for fabric. If fabric is yellowed, use bleach. If stain still remains, dampen and sprinkle with meat tenderizer, or pepsin. Let stand 1 hour. Brush off and wash. For persistent odor, sponge with colorless mouthwash.

Rust: Soak in lemon juice and salt or oxalic acid soulution (3 tablespoons oxalic acid to 1 pint warm water). A commercial rust remover may be used.

Caution: Handle poisonous rust removers carefully. Keep out of reach of children. Never use oxalic acid or any rust remover around washer or dryer as it can damage th finish. Such chemicals may also remove permanent press fabric finishes.

Scorch: Wash with detergent and bleach safe for fabric. On heavier scorching, cover stain with cloth dampened with hydrogen peroxide. Cover this with dry cloth and press with hot iron. Rinse well.

Caution: Severe scorching cannot be removed because of fabric damage.

Soft Drinks: Sponge immediately with cold water and alcohol. Heat and detergent may set stain.

Tea: Sponge or soak with cold water as soon as possible. Wash using detergent and bleach safe for fabric.